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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Ahh back home
I checked the online website tracker
apparently only 2 people visited my blog
kudos to you for visiting anyway.

Well basically I was at camp
starting maniacal fires
cooking and hiking.
did absolutely nothing for the first day except for the outdoor cooking test.
That was fun, spent 2 hours trying to light a fire with twigs and leaves. The Sec 2 people were all ''Bow to me and worship the grass I now trod upon.''
They spent all their time attempting to start a fire.
Well lets put it this way, they couldn't light a fire even if they had petrol and lit matches stuck up their arse.

The moment they left.
On my first attempt
I managed to get the fire going steady
well what can I say, let the maniac do the pyro.

Then the most depressing thing happened, it rained...
No clouds no nothing,
The next we knew,
we were caught in the middle of a marble throwing contest.
Welcome to the tropical rainy season
it doesn't just rain, it freaking pours.

Next day, set off for the hike,
with 6liters of water and enough food to last us 3 days.
At the very last moment the checkpoints were changed
we were gived an extra 5km to walk. ''marvelous...."
So for the first 3 hours of our journey, we walked 8km.
We hardly moved.
Some fat guy was slowing us down,
he had to rest every bus stop and pee every 5 mins.
Thank God he had an asthma attack during the hike,
and he had to drop out
to give you a idea of how slow he was...
We covered 15km in 2 hours.
Then, while we were hiking in the middle of some obscure road
a little car came speeding along, and we were "like what the hell?"
the car stopped beside us and the door swung open and......
Turns out that little fat bastard went to the food court to eat chicken rice.
And we took 6 hours to cover the rest of the 8km....

The secend day,
was the most surreal of all.
It rained the whole day,
I mean we couldn't see 100meters infront of us.
walking along the main road......
With all the cars zooming pass you at like 190miles per hour
with you try to cross the road then a Nissan rips along the road and tears your body in half.
And did I mention that
We could see the other end.(when it was not rainingfor like 2mins)
like a never ending road,
the thunderstorm wasn't really helping.....

to cut the long story short we made it as the last team,
from the first team to the last.
Darn, goes to show that the chain is as strong as its weakest link.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Hey guys! why do you always leave me out.....

thought I had found the perfect friend,
But it only took about a week for that to end,
I thought there was hope left in my life,
But as it turns out,
it was only added strife,
I thought for once I had done something right,
But I quickly corrected that oversight,
I thought I wasn’t useless or a bore,
But I was all that and even more,
I thought there was a purpose to my days,
But that was only a very short phase,
I thought you weren’t like all the rest,
But like those before, you failed the test,
I thought you would stay with me, at least for a bit,
But you decided it was better just to quit,
I thought life was worth living for a moment in time,
But the life I wanted could never be mine,
I thought the hunger inside had been fed,
But now I know, I was just being misled.
And now I think I’ve found another perfect friend,
How long before my heart is broken again?

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Things I realized this year.
-I hate immature people
-People cannot be trusted
-People who I thought would never betray me always did
-I'm still looking for someone like me
-I can get so irritated with sec1 people that I can stop talking for a week
-I hate bag pipes
-Scouts sucks
-I realized that I wanna join track
-I really need some mature people to talk to
-I'm becoming immature
-Yes I do see the irony
-I carry weapons with me
-I can survive a one story fall
-Slipping down the stairs on a rainy day hurts like hell
-I dao nerdy people
-I have an IQ of 138 and I can get 38/100 for Chinese
-My computer sucks
-I'm alone 70 percent of the time
-I can be a bitch when I want to

Friday, October 20, 2006

Lets explore the effects of the haze on me

1.Head ache-->Migrain-->Vision messed up-->Pain

2.Exploding urge to smite all Indonesian

3.Not being able to go running-->being fat-->stamina decreasing

4.Going swimming more-->bad for running stamina

"I shall smite you, for I am the almighty smiter"

Tips from a ninja
" caffeine addicts get a plus 100 to their psychic ability. They are able to move objects with their coffee granted powers. They can predict the future and have the ability to cast caffeintrope. And unlike lycanthropes, they can both smite and read the papers WHILE summoning a hell portal to relm of vibrating pigs of the doom leigon. To fight a caffeintrope, you would the very least have 6 potions of utter invulnerability, 2 seals of protection from the elements of the periodic table, an amulet of total immunity, bags of 200 healing potions and about 12 dozen or so steroid eating dwarves to tank. and they dont drop any loot besides a tacky mug the size of a fridge filled with coffee. A sip would transform any being into the feared caffeintrope

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Yesss the blogs up and running. Fixed the codes, changed the size of the text boxes(that's what I call 'em) posted new pics so that I could have more text space. ETC woo hoo. This may be a vulgar post, needed to vent some stupid

Well exams are over. I still hear people complaining about how they didn't finish their questions. They should be happy, running around doing jay stuff, like ballet dance or singing and crap like that. No matter what you do, if its your best, no point bombarding your friends ear with mind-numbing gliberish.

When I walk out the exam room, I usually yawn for some reason (maybe my brains tired) drink some water, and be glad that its over. But the rest of the class just turns into some freaky zone of complaint, with the bitching'o'meter rising so fast, it practically bitch slaps you in the face breaking. Its terrifying, all you can hear is the annoying hum of blitering idiots bitchin'. Its like some freaky mating call except without the females. Its not like a loud hammering noise, its like baby dribble. Too little to make you do something about it, just irritaing. This continues for the whole frigging way back home(I take a bus with my friend) and even before the midway point. Ive already devised 10 ways to kill the fool with those sneaky bendable hand bars. Those little buggers proberbly one day got bored and thought:" hey lets defy all aspects of practicality and plunge into a huge pool of stupid by making handle bars exacly at the head level and guess what? THEIR BENDABLE AAAHAHAHAHHA!" Every time I stand in the bus, skippy the kiasu bastard that's driving the bus decides that breaking every 2m would 'save' fuel, and every little movement causes the little over-head (not really over head, about exacly at head level) handles smack me in the head. and if its a jerky bus, its like a metronome, and other fellow commuters are greeted with a daily cry of
'son of a bitch!"

And there you have it, 2 days worth of stupid.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Well, welcome to my blog. A new blog, a new beginning. The first post for the blog. Ive decided to tackle something new, the topic of friends.

Friends, the first thing that comes to mind is an image of someone that you can share your secrets, someone that would stick with you the bitter end. Another thing that you would think of is the actual number of friends you have. What you would have realized is that you don't really have many true friends. If that not the case, count yourself lucky. To have one true friend is a blessing, to have more then 2 real friends is rare. The problem with society today is that everyone is seen as stepping stones.

People who you thought were your 'friends' could the next day stab you in the back for self gain. I despise these people, and I do not hide my hate for them. Ask yourself, how many times have your so called 'friends' have agreed on meeting, but canceled the last minute with some pathetic reason like 'I'm too lazy to get out of the house', 'I took a nap and forgot about it' or 'I decided not to' and you merely bush it off as pure laziness. But I have something to tell you people. People like that do not deserve to forgiven, they are scum and deserve to rot in their own greed and selfishness. Get rid of them, stop all contact with them, they would only abandon you eventually.

More into my personal life, I have only 3 friends and acquaintances. Surprisingly, one I met on the streets, he may be crude but none the less, loyal. The second I met in school, my direct opposite but we just click with each other. Lastly, the third, I'm glad to say, from my very own church. She is the only one that approaches me for friendly chat, not favors. She is the only one who understands my reasons and she has never once lied, backstabbed or disappointed me. I'm proud to call these people my friends.

Name - David
Age - 13
Birthday -12 Feb
~Wish List~
`A wallet
`New guitar
`Track Shoes
`Laser from Wicked(TM)
`Sketch pen
`New phonies
`Phone cover or one of those cute baby socks
`New earphones



designer: Acery
picture: Pyromaniac

*October 2006
*November 2006
*December 2006
*January 2007
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2007