Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Chapel today was really something, the preacher talked about how we were connected to the God in this present age.
When god brought his people out of Egypt, they expected a life free from hardships, with everything nicely layed out for them. And when they were in the desert, running out of food and water, they started complaining about how they would have been better off in Egypt, where they would have been fed. But God was merciful and sent birds to bring them mana or in idiot terms, bread. Something like pizza, but without the toppings. Anyway they still complained. And because of that ( and some other stuff) they wandered the desert of 40 years.
Oh and God also gave Moses and gave him a vision of the tabernacle....
The tabernacle of the Hebrews, during the Exodus, was a portable worship facility comprised of a tent draped with colorful curtains. It had a rectangular, perimeter fence of fabric, poles and staked cords. This rectangle was always erected when they would camp, oriented to the east. In the center of this enclosure was a rectangular sanctuary draped with goats'-hair curtains, and the roof was made from rams' skins. Inside, it was divided into two areas, the Holy Place and the Most Holy Place. These two 'compartments were separated by a curtain or veil. Entering the first space, one would see 3 pieces of sacred furniture: a seven-branched oil lampstand on the left (south), a table for twelve loaves of show bread on the right (north) and straight ahead before the dividing curtain (west) was an altar for incense-burning. Beyond this curtain was the cube-shaped inner room known as the (Holy of Holies) or (kodesh hakodashim). This sacred space contained a single article called the
Ark of the covenant (aron habrit)
Well, the the tabernacle was made out of three parts, the outer courts, the holy place and the holy of holies outer courts everyone could enter, the holy place, the priests would enter to do their daily jobs. But the holy of holies, only the head priest could enter, and only ONCE a year. And if he didn't do anything according to Gods will, he would die. Now a dead body in the tabernacle wouldn't be a good thing right? So they tied a rope and bells around the guys feet, so if the priest died, and the people outside didn't hear anything for about 30mins, they would sort go.. Hrms..Must be dead, lets pull him out. So in some sense the head priest was a dead man walking.
But when Jesus died, at that exact moment, the curtain tore apart right in the centre. It wasn't two steroid body building priests, they would have died instantly. Those people working the the holy place heard a tearing noise, it wasn't coming from below, it was tearing top down. They must have thought '' ZOMG! Where are the hands??..... Wow the holy of holies, never seen it before. Well now I'm gone die......" so they were shocked basically. Anyone who was not the head priest would have died the moment they saw the holy of holies. This shows that god was now open to everyone, that everyone would be used by God, youth adults children etc...... And without the curtain, the arrangement of the furniture and the shape of the room formed a cross. Cool aint it?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Ahhh I hate scoo *stabbed*
What the hell people... its only been two weeks of school, I don't think its time for retarded animals to start blogging about how they hate their freaking EDUCATION. Come on its not that bad, unless your one of those retarded lizards that live under my fridge.
Directed to school people:
''Fellow students, lords of disruption. Please SHUT THE **** up about Maple and Warcraft. I don't care what kind of armor ( Yes I spelled it armor ) you found yesterday, nor do I care about how you killed the magical ponies of barbie land and got a medal.( Kudos anyway those damned ponies shall never hurt another cornea ever again) I don't care if your helmet gives you total immunity of the earthly elements, it STILL makes you LOOK like a gigantic dick head. And for those obsessed by DOTA. You can take that S&Y and shove it up your arse, right before you whoop yourself with your BKB, MKB and BOT. FO' SHIZZLE. Sorry, couldn't resist."
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Bah, just came back from the emergency room at the children hospital. It took my awhile to get my mother to send me to the hospital caus I didn't have the energy to get up. Felt like my wind pipe had closed up and that my lungs were filled with lead. Not fun. Had asthma again, probably brought on by cold weather and allergy reactions. And maybe the seafood BBQ. Hahaha I finally beat aloysious, shaun and Yan in a prawn eating contest. I covered a bowl in shells plus stacked some on top, then covered the sides in heads and made a prawn graveyard. Oh yeah the story about that.
Cell outing on Saturday, went to marina bay. Yan and shaun were there by 'accident'. lol the guys decided to play soccer. Me, on the other hand, do not like to chase balls in a muddy field. Seeing that it was a windy day, I bought a kite, not just any kite a uber kite. I flew it so high I ran out of string and had to buy another reel, by then the wind up in the clouds were super strong, heck THE STORM GODS WERE PISSED. And the kite just got pulled from my hands. And damn it went away fast, and I all I can say is that its frigging hard to run in muddy water.
Later on we went for sea-food. The sec ones didn't put butter on their BBQ thingy so, being wonderful alchemists they are, they magically turned a plate of chicken into carbon, Shazam.
Food I ate:
1. Prawns. Lets just say I was like the equal of Kronos the god of time and destruction for the prawns.
2. 3 Flower craps, Yum too bad there was soooo little meat.
3. Half a plate of chicken, man the peppered one rocked
4.Half a plate of pork
5.Abit of fake abalone
6.5 Fishballs. mmm
There was also a funny story about the prawns, well they were ALIVE. So I developed a method of picking the prawns by their whisker thingys, screaming like a little girl, then flinging them into the steamboat. I'd say it worked pretty well. I also cooked up some of my special butter prawns. yummy
Thursday, January 11, 2007
AHHHH schools killing my social life..... Been super busy, so busy that I've missed 2 karate lessons :( Somehow I've injured my right hip, cant exacly move the leg back and fourth, hurts like a thousand fiery daggers with a vengeance. The saddest part is that I cant run, all I can do walk around slowly...... I LIKE to rush around, dunno why. But I have this theory that if you enjoy the moment right to the very end, then rush off to the next even in my Oh so interesting daily life. It stops me from slacking and adds a whole new level of fun running around the school to classes with friends.
Finally met my new art teacher this year. Strange old woman. She actually thinks she can bribe the class into behaving by using a point system. And it gets surreal when this happens Teacher:" I have sharp eyes ah! If any of you puts your head on the table I will catch you. Me: sleeping*
Teacher: Ok every one stand up! Good afternoon classClass: " Good afternoon madam'"
Me: still sleeping...It was only after 30 minutes or so when my friend woke me up. And we all started laughing like people high on weed. And she didn't even notice us. But she did at that very moment catch my friend talking to someone and minus his group points, and by that time we were really rolling on the floor.
Well strangely to me, that's kind of normal now. Weird. I've seen someone fall of the second story in school and walk off, I've seen teachers play warcraft, a soccer ball flying through the window. What's that? That's not weird? I was on the 5th story. I've seen shoes hanging from the sports hall ceiling. Discipline masters sleeping in talks. And a lot other weird things.
And oh! There was a sec one orientation camp last week, the scouts had to build a 2-3 story high tower. We had to climb it just to hand out flag, kudos to all the crazy scouts who did that. We also built a catupault thingy and shot water bombs at the teachers. Haha whole lot of fun. Scouts, the schools free man power.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy new year everyone, watchnight service was ok, it did'nt have the felling of being a whole church together celebrating. I guess I cant blame them since not everything is built, walls have to go up, carpets have to be laid, Kudos to the workes and the people whos blood, sweat and tears have helped build PL. Keep up the good work.
I just recently got to know my new cell better, I can just sense that its going to be more united then my last cell. With these few wacky/intresting people, whos knows what weird cell outings we are going to have. Our first cell outing is this saturday at Marina, cant wait.
Hrm, Ice skating last week was fun. went with Danielle, Bryan and my brother. Considering that the last time I ice skated was 2 years ago, falling down 2 times was pretty lucky if you ask me. though I think my ass broke when I fell backwards into a pool of melted ice.... Its like falling on a cement pavement, except you land on a huge giant cup of slurpe. I also realised that Mc'Donalds coffe sucks, But I still love their hot cakes.
Well, schools starting and suddenly everyones magically turning into idiotic looking school twits, why? Because of the amazing hair rule for boys in school. Hair must not touch the collar of the school uniform, hair must not touch the ear, hair must not be longer then the eyebrowns, and lastly no dyed hair. So with the new school year starting, hairdessers are making a profit while thousands of boys island wide suffer silent torture.... And yes I just got a hair cut