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Friday, May 04, 2007

Ahhh. the hardest part of the examinations are finally over. Well the remaining rest of the exams cant really be described to its full potential, the closest I got was OMFGWTF! Yes having an examination on the topic of moral education for Barker boys is not a very bright idea. At least they tried, I'll give them that. And then there is Design & Technology, having a paper test on how to destroy the earth is.... Well kinda weird actually but I guess carpenters-to-be take their ply-wood seriously.

The Mario Theory
You know the thing where Mario bonks his head onto a box and a magical mushroom pops out, starts running around the room and also makes Mario taller? Well I'm guessing thats a high-mushroom pumped with high-quality cocaine. You see, it gets Mario high with the sense of invicibility and with his new found powers, Mario runs around beating up innocents like Goombas and the Mafia Lord Browser and once again saves the princesses life ( How the hell did she get captured so many times?)

I'm sure If you have a sad life following the Mario story line, I'm betting you must have encountered the feather. This mystical relic falls from the heavens in times of crisis enchanting Mario a power to soar like an eagle over enemy lines. But wait, there is one catch, your wearing a raccoon suite. The Gods of Mario land must have gone :

MarioGod1: "Mario requires our aid!"
MarioGod2: "Indeed, I shall imbune a feather to bestow powers of an eagle to the person who carries it. Then I shall drop it from the heavens in times of need."
MarioGod1: "Marvelous plan, why not turn the user into a raccoon while we are at it?"
MarioGod2: "Brilliant! I'll get started right away!"

Either that or Fusajiro Yamauchi (who is the founder of Nintendo by the way) has a secret raccoon fetish.

And then there are the villains which look like they were designed by a crack addict. Lets take Thwomp for instance, you've guessed it, thwomp is a giant brick, I'm not shitting you. The Thwomp is a giant brick that basically drops with the sound of THWOMP! Two major flaws of creativity, firstly, its named after the one and only sound the character makes. Two its a giant stone brick with faces on ever side, not only that after it 'Thwomps' once its over, its just sits there looking and looking and looking........ I'm sure they serve pretty good crack at Nintendos creativity department, where the taps have three different settings, cold, hot and crack. Ahh don't we just love the Japanese?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Whew...Things have finally settled down. Much more relaxed now though exams are near. But who said exams have to be stressful? Stay at Aloysius house again last friday, Mark, Pedunk, Kevin ,Gabriel were there but they left. We were playing mahjong and kevin lost every game he played lol. And for some strange reason i won a few games XD. I also witnessed how complicated WoW was...I feel dumb.

Weird things that happened to me today.
- Saw my principle take a bus 0.0

- Teacher: what did these men have in common.
Genius Me: They all frickin died
Teacher: oookaaayy....... Besides that...
Me: They all died in agony
Teacher: you need counseling....

-Me: Sir, can i go toilet
Teacher: Ok, but if I come back faster then you stay back after class.*runs out of class*
Me -.-'''

-During an intense shelling from English teacher
Friend: *walks into class* " hallelujah!"
Awkward silence......

Oh man some stupid bugger stole my phone in school today. Damn ACS boys, not one drop of decency in them. Anyway, drinking two cups of ice cold milo in under a minute is a BAD IDEA! Seriously, I though a face cramp was impossible, but IT ISNT. It hurts like a frenzied raccoon chewing your cheeks away. Oh and I found out that its against the school rules to sleep in school. 0.0 whats up with that? I mean if your tired you eat, if your sleepy you frigging sleep. Whats next? ban on chicken wings? Oh wait, its already banned. Damn......

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Well, I'm sick again. Seems like the flu bug has half my class down on MC. Ive been worrying about my grades, seems like I'm not doing too well with my maths, but other then that everythings pretty normal.

Well, just yesterday someone asked me why I like sleeping so much. Well I've thought about it for a while and I've come to a conclusion that i enjoy sleeping so much is because............I don't have to deal with any kind of crap life throws at me. When I sleep, I tend not to dream that much, dreaming to me is... Well, too much like life. Sleeping to me is an escape from everything, there's no one to irritate you, no one to stab you in the back, nothing to make you feel bad, nothing to make you feel guilty. There is an absolute nothing, just a large space where i can forget about things.

I guess its like drugs, or smoking. You can escape reality for a few moments, but sooner or later your gonna have to come back.

Things have been quite bad lately, its not the problems i cant solve that bother me, its those which I can. I just feel like exploding. I need someone which I can trust, a person who wont back stab. I suppose I've met these people not too long ago. But with my amazing parents who broke up during my PSLE, moving house 3 times in less then 2 months right in the middle of my freaking exams. Thanks alot. Then there are those people who call themselves friends, who ditched me when I needed them the most, funniest thing? They're from my church. After all this crap and more, I find it hard to trust people. Some day Ill explode if I don't talk to someone.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

my teacher once said: Oh bloody hell lah! Stupid computer
never in my life have i regretted: Knowing Jesus
the people who can drive me nuts but then can always make me smile are: Julian, Dong Yun, my whole cell lol
when im nervous: Think
the last time i laughed was: few mins ago
my hair is: Too long.... Much too long
my CCA is: Scouts
this year so far is: Messy
when i turn my head left i see: My guitar, and my pillow :)
calendar.when i turn my head to the right i see: a door......
when i look down i see: A dollar! hey i found a dollar
the craziest recent event:Passing my stop for about 10mins caus i was sleeping on the bus
by this time next year: I would be taller
i have a hard time understanding: Why people like to slap each other
one time at a family gathering:I slept lol
you know i like: A light-hearted moment
if i won an award the 1st person i thank is: God
triangles are:pokey
my ideal breakfast is: ham and eggs
what do i feel like doing now: Sleeping
i am married: Nope
the world could do with: Christ
i would rather lick a belly of a cockroach: Then to switch church
most recent thing you bought yourself: A book
most recent thing someone bought you: A stuffed dog
my least fave time of the day: Evening
the last time i was high: Today in school
i shouldnt: Eat so much
last night: Chatted with Grace and LMYN
there's this girl i know: Whos slacks more then me
i'll tell the next person who makes me happy: HAhahahahaha
im listening to: Eric Clapton-Change the world
i last ate: Chicken :)
my bedsheet is: Old?
on the table: Cup of water, bowl of corn flakes, math book. more food. another cup with milk for my corn flakes and a spoon
my full name is: Liu WenRong David

Friday, March 02, 2007

Ive once heard someone say " If only Ive got 263 for PSLE, I wouldn't have to take MEP." And as fate proves its self once again. Ive just head another person utter such nonsense again. But this time its worse, this someones complaining of not achieving near perfection academically.

Why cant people see blessings, but instead turn everything they do against themselves?

When you've finally attained perfection for yourself, ask yourself this. What now? For the sake of twisted goals you've overworked yourself. You may think its all for your own good, but if you were doing this for yourself, you would have just slowed down to your own pace.

You may not realise, but sometimes the geniuses are the ones you think are stupid. My friend for example, scored top prizes for two subjects in the school, got 263 plus for PSLE but he is in acs barker. Wasted? No, I don't believe so, he told me that the only way to move forward is at your own pace. That's his reason for coming to barker

And another thing. ever think of how people in normal stream feel? So don't ever, ever say your not good enough. you don't have the right to.

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Kind of pants:My surf pants
Month:Dec Feb
Cartoon character:Ethen
HAVE YOU EVERBeen close to dying: Strangely, yes, five times
Loved someone so much it made you cry:Nope
Broke a bone:No
Played truth or dare:Duh
Ran away:Yep
Broke someones heart:I think I may have
Cried over someones death:No
HAVE YOU EVERFell off your chair:Hahah alot of times
Saved e-mails:yeah
Used someone:Depends.....
Your good-luck charm:Myself :) haha
Your favorite song: "Shine" by Take That "some hearts" by Carrie Underwood "free loop" by daniel Powter
Next to you:guitar
Your pet peeve:None?
Motivations:My own expectations
Chicken Pox:Yeah, very mild i think
Soar throat:yeah..
A one night stand:Yeah bought it at Ikea
Believe in love at first sight:No
Have Long distance relationships:Noope
Like school:Yeah sometimes
Get along with your family:Depends
Wear contact lenses or glasses:Glasses
Like filling out surveys:Oh the irony......
Like yourself: yeah
WHO was the last person who called you:Carolyn
Makes you smile the most: My cell
Knows you best: I dont think anyone does
ARE YOU Obsessive complusive:Yes haha
Suicidal:Err. No...
Talk to someone you liked: My friends? yeah haha
Buy something:Cookies :)
Get sick:Nope
Miss someone:Hrm abit
Talk to an ex:Dont have one??
Slept in your bed:ME!, besides me, Shiny, the last time she came.
Saw or heard you cry: Cant think of anyone
Went to the movies with:Just now.
Told you they loved you: cant remember, seriously
You fought with:School buggers
You made fun of:School friends
Made fun of you:School friends LOL!
Are you righty or lefty:Righty
Scary or Funny movie:Err funny.
Chocolate or Vanilla:Chocolate.
Coffee or Tea:Tea, suddenly converted.
Summer or Winter:Winter
Diamond or Pearl:Pearls
Pepsi or Coke:pepsi
Strawberry or Watermelon:Watermelon all the water and the umm, mellon!
Hated anyone in your family:yes
Good singer:Cant sing for nuts
What was your last dream about:More like memories of my old house and past events
When did you last shower:An hour ago
What book are you reading now:Hanibal
Best feeling in the world:Finding a place where your accepted
What's underneath your bed:Dust
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:Dog and tomato!
What are you most scared of right now:heights
Are you lonely right now:Sort of, being alone everyday from 2-8 is kinda, well lonely
Song thats stuck in your head right now:Rehab by Amy Winehouse
First thing you notice on opposite sex:Eyes
Are you to shy to ask someone out:No need to yet
What are you wearing right now:Jeans
Favorite flower:Phalaenopsis

Happy chinese new year!

This year CNY seens dead, Chinatown seemed like the rainy town of the damned where old people roam silent streets and over priced shops. Either I was missing out on something really big or all the hype in CNY is gone. Seriously With all the youngies like me around, and with old boring styled places around. I guess that just kills the mood for us. CNY needs a major make-over like Christmas has every year, with Santa in zany new outfits that no longer sends out bad vibes of a fat child-preying paedophile ringing a bell, waiting silently, patient, like a hawk, for little boys and girls that may one day cross his path.

Hip santa- http://www.figure-speech.com/Clients/ROIDirect/holiday/Hip%20Santa.jpg


See the importance of being up to date? So lets remake CNY into something new that we dont associate with pissed magical beasts and spirits that drive children insain. Thats just nasty

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Well been lagging behind on posts, been busy, and not forgetting my dear old friend, fatigue. Just too tired to do anything, more importantly I don't see the point of school. Too much biasness and lack of common sense why do teachers appreciate the boot lickers, while condemn the people who speak up for themselves. Why? The truth is, when teachers tell you they care, its a lie. The moment when they realize someone could stand up for what's right, breaking the class order. They simply junk us into detention. Students need to see people as they are. Take off the veil of shallowness, stand up for what's right...

Too bad that's never going to happen, everyone's too busy backstabbing and boot licking just to get to the top. Don't tell me your friends are different from the others, or that they are different. They are all the same, that's why they are 'the others' .If only you could see them when they aren't around you, only when people think they are alone then their masks comes off and only then you can see them for what they truly are.

One month in school and already I've seen people get backstabbed, friendships ruined over self gain. When did God's creations become so pathetic?

Name - David
Age - 13
Birthday -12 Feb
~Wish List~
`A wallet
`New guitar
`Track Shoes
`Laser from Wicked(TM)
`Sketch pen
`New phonies
`Phone cover or one of those cute baby socks
`New earphones



designer: Acery
picture: Pyromaniac

*October 2006
*November 2006
*December 2006
*January 2007
*February 2007
*March 2007
*April 2007
*May 2007